Gavin's preschool started the Thursday before Labor Day. He was SO excited to get back to school and was really hoping to go 5 days a week. Unfortunately for him Mommy doesn't like her boys to be gone! I had only signed him up for a Tuesday/Thursday morning class, but at his request put him on a waiting list for a 3 day a week class and the 5 day a week class. On the night we went to meet his teacher, Ms. Gloria (Keaton had her when he was 4), he went to the director and asked if she had found a spot for him 5 days a week yet! Of course there wasn't a spot, but all of us laughed at his persistance! On his first morning back to school he stopped in the preschool office again and asked the director if she even had a 3 day a week spot for him. Requests from someone as cute as him must go a long way because by Friday afternoon he had a 3 day a week spot! He's super excited to be going to school 3 days a week and if he's happy then I'm happy. My house sure is going to be quiet on Monday, Wednesday and Friday for the next 6 weeks though!
Here's Gavin ready to get back to school.

Here he is in his classroom.
So eager to learn!! Sweet Gavin!