Amidst all the craziness going on with my mom and her health the time has been flying by. I am almost 34 weeks pregnant now and it's astonishing that we are supposed to have a new baby in just 6 short weeks!
There are a few big things that I have wanted to do before this baby gets here. One of them was to take the boys on a fun trip before summer was over and the baby came, but with mom's surgery and all, we weren't able to do that. We were able to go to Hyatt Lost Pines over Labor Day weekend and had a great time though. We've also been able to do some other small fun things around town, so hopefully that will make up for the lack of a real vacation this year. We did manage to get two things checked off our list though!
A new car! Yay!

We have had my suburban since Keaton was 6 months old and put 120,000 miles on it since then. Since it was a 2000 model, had many miles, the dent from the pole at the school and things were starting to just generally malfunction, the time was right to move on. I am so excited about my car and am even more excited about how CLEAN it is! 7 years of kids riding and eating in a car really does make it dirty no matter how much you wash or vacuum it! Somehow I just couldn't picture myself putting my new, clean baby in that dirty old suburban! I know that sounds completely crazy, but I am truly relieved that this BIG item is checked off our list!
The other big thing that we (and by "we" I mean Joel) have gotten done is the nursery. We have been waiting for a reason to tear the carpet out of all the bedrooms in our house and this baby gave us one! We bought all the material to do the other bedrooms in the house as well, but they can wait for a bit until things settle down around here. Joel has worked hard to rip out carpet (with the help of Keaton and Gavin), paint and lay new floors in the baby's room. Everything turned out well and now all we need is accessories and a baby!
After ripping out the carpet

New baby blue paint

Starting the flooring

Almost finished

Gavin helping
